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The Benefits of Agile Performance Management

The Benefits of Agile Performance Management

Performance management

Nowadays all anyone ever cares about business and how it is rapidly changing. With this change one needs to harvest the ability to change one’s state of mind and make it more flexible; ride the wave that the market is and change your goals as your business requires. Technology is of the utmost importance when it comes to this which points to the fact that your technology should be just as good as your team’s performance is everyday. One needs to have an efficient technological system if one wants to monitor their team on a daily basis.

How Strategic Performance Management Has Changed

Performance management has gone through quite a lot of change in the past century since the concept was first introduced decades ago. Even though this practice has gone through multiple stages of development, it did not really show much efficiency until the 1980s. However, soon after that with the surge in technology the system changed completely. Everything became automated and managers started to work on the monitoring of their teams effort for the first time ever. Organisations started to asses their employees accordingly and monitor their performance through systems that were now computerized such as excel sheets. However, performance management was still not as efficient as it should be.

Agile Business Performance Management

Agile performance management is much more efficient and progressive than its older counterpart that is the same old performance management that everyone talks about. It is specifically designed for the upholding of the swift, steady and speedy way that employees work in todays day and time within a particular organisation. When one considers how quick technology has made things one needs to keep into account the communication needed to make sure it matches up with that technology. Thus, performance appraisals that are performed yearly do not make much sense. Agile performance management makes sure these performance appraisals are performed on an ongoing basis, just as swiftly as the technology that runs alongside them.

Agile Performance Management Program

So how does one take active steps towards agile performance management? It is quite simple to say the least. Firstly, one needs to go about setting SMART goals which is the most important feature of agile performance management. One needs to regularly check up on what is of the most importance to their business. One also needs to set specific goals for the specific quarter. Identify which one is the most important out of all these goals and tackle that first.

• Performance Management Best Practices

With agile performance management one can reduce the gap in communication to a very large extent. As feedback is received from employees on a daily basis, this motivates them to work harder and perform their work flexibly and timely. It also allows employees to take any negative feedback with a good attitude as they can immediately work on it. A lack of timely feedback leads to demotivate amongst employees.

• Efficient Performance Management Program

Timely checking on a regular basis is of the utmost importance when it comes to employees in a particular business. The way this was done in the past was through the employer checking in on the employees at the end of the year which was highly impractical as that merely led to demotivation. These employees could not do anything to improve their work in the moment and went into the next year with a heavy heart. Regular performance appraisals provide the employee with an opportunity to improve in the moment and give the team member a sense of what their responsibilities are towards the company and what their end goal is. How the employee contributes to the bigger picture is of the utmost importance as that is what motivates him to perform better.
Must Read: Everything you need to know about Performance Management

Feedback within the Organisational Performance Management

An efficient way of gaining quality level feedback on an employee within the business is by talking to who they work with. It is only by asking a list of questions from these team mates that you can reach to any conclusion about the performance of said employee.

• Agile Performance Management Program

Agile performance management is swift in the sense that it encourages employees to put their learning to use as soon as one team member completes a stage of said learning. With the onset of technology there have been many new approaches to learning for example, employees can now learn many skills that they previously did not have off sites such as YouTube.
Thus agile performance management can be considered to be the best form of performance management as it is the quickest way a company can improve on their employees performance without disrupting the company’s atmosphere to a larger extent.

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