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LMS is Only Effective For Delivering E-Learning Content


If you are new to using a learning management system, at some point you must have assumed that an LMS is only useful for delivering e-learning content. However, this is not true at all. Learning management software is not only effective in offering learning material online, but also allows you to manage your training and development programs effectively. It helps in enhancing learners’ engagement and establishes a sense of community within your organization. Let’s discover benefits of learning management software other than delivering e-learning content.

1.      It Allows You To Track the Learning

Firstly, an LMS helps you in tracking the learning. This means you have the option to find out who is taking interest and participating effectively in your training programs, what achievements have been made with the knowledge received, and in what way their performance has improved.

With this feature, you can identify the weaknesses of your learners and work on them by customizing your lessons to eliminate these weaknesses. Thus, tracking learning makes your trainer as well as learner, highly efficient and organized in the classroom.

2.      Retraining Reminders

Since learning management system has the ability of tracking learning, it also prompts retraining sessions so that your learners can retain the information delivered. If your organization is big with numerous departments, staff is quite busy and it becomes difficult to take quiz of your learners or provide a refresher session on the learning or training they participated recently. Therefore, this task is automated with the help of LMS.

3.      It Helps to Motivate Learners with Gamification Features

If you have the best learning management system, you must be aware of the gamification features that play a vital role in engaging learners. Following are few well-known gamification features:

  • Giving points for exceptional achievement or progress
  • Special badges if your learner accomplishes learning milestones
  • Different levels that can be unlocked as your learner covers the course
  • Availability of leaderboards for competition between teams and peers

These badges, points and leaderboards help in motivating online learners to indulge in competition for recognition. This enhances social and emotional engagement. Hence, you can say that learning management software indirectly motivate your learners to excel further in whatever they are learning.

4.      It Supports Social Learning

Undoubtedly, social learning is an excellent tool for curbing isolation and enhancing emotional engagement of online learners. If you are offering an online learning platform in your organization, learners like being heard and represented

A learning management system supports social learning that helps in boosting learners’ motivation. Some its features that are particularly useful or this propose include:

·         User Profiles:  With individual profile a learner can easily share information about him and feels represented on the online platform. He can write a short bio that highlights his personality, expectations, and experience and in this way, he is more indulged in the online learning community of your organization.

·         Discussions: With the best learning management system, you have the feature of discussion forums where learners can share their observations, opinions and experiences in the training in the form of structured as well as unstructured conversations.

·         Certificates: Another feature of learning management software that has become popular among learners is the option to share certifications on social media platforms, like Linkedin. This is surely a meaningful reward for learners that they get after completion of course, particularly if a learner wants recognition ij his professional career.

5.      It has Powerful Feedback Features

Learning management software provides an opportunity to learners to give opinions and be listened on the LMS. Its tools such as surveys and rating systems help in analyzing the success of a certain content component or module in engaging your learners. It also allows learners to convey constructive criticism so that improvements can be made in weak areas. 

With a rating system, learners can rate a course ranging from one to five star ratings. This feature helps trainers and instructional designers to have an overview of the learners’ experience. When learners are allowed to give open feedback on the training process, they are highly motivated and engaged. Hence, we can conclude that the best learning management system is more than content delivery tool, and makes your training process efficient and fully automated.

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