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Agile Performance Management: APM has changed the face of employee reviews, Here’s how.

With the implementation of the Agile performance management system, the face of businesses has changed drastically for the better. According to statistics , companies have shown a massive increase in productivity and revenues while employees have found a place where their thoughts and opinions are heard and have developed a sense of loyalty towards their companies. This is all possible due to the community-centered nature of the Agile performance management system. Where employees and managers sit together and talk without an air of seniority or inferiority. This has enabled employees to show results to the maximum of their capabilities yet also allowed companies to keep a close eye on individual signs of progress and help them grow even beyond their limits. With Agile performance management, managers sit together with their employees to discuss their problems and impart knowledge directly upon the employees, all the while coming up with solutions to their problems. With this m

12 Ways to Administer Instructor-led Training with an LMS

With the addition of learning management systems in our lives, it’s difficult to go back to traditional methods of learning. With this software, e-learning has become all the rage, and why shouldn’t it? You can create, distribute, and manage learning and training content on a single platform that many users can access and learn from any time or from any place, online and offline. But, there is a charm in face-to-face learning that a learning management software doesn’t provide. Or, couldn’t in the past. Now, you can use an LMS to administer instructor-led training in a few simple steps. Get the best of both worlds and learn from traditional and modern methods of teaching. Understanding an LMS to Use it Correctly A misconception that people have about an LMS is that it can only be used for e-learning, which in many people’s minds means pre-recorded or webinars but in reality, it has all the features of blended learning. Blended learning is making use of multiple met

What are the benefits of agile performance management that businesses need to know?

Since the days of infancy for the business industry, performance management has always made an appearance . Introduced as a proper management system back in the 1950s, it has progressed a lot, to keep up with the tides of time and the ever-changing organizational culture. But during this time of technological boom, where the flow of information has been faster than ever, the traditional performance management system has sort of fallen off. Hence, organizations have started moving towards a newer system, a better system that utilizes all the technological assets available to them and helps them further increase the efficiency of performance management. What is Agile Performance Management? Agile performance management or APM refers to a new collaborative and instant feedback-based performance management system, which believes that the managers and the employee in an organization are equals and should work together towards the goals of the organization rather than consent

Increasing Scope of Enterprise Learning Management System for Modern Learners

With the rise in the trend of e-learning, online Learning Management System   have become a crucial part of any company, particularly an enterprise. It’s not an easy measure to train all the employees, especially as most belong to different departments so customized courses have to be designed for them. Other than the in-office workforce, an enterprise also includes remote employees , distributors, sales representatives, etc. This extended enterprise also requires appropriate training. For this reason, an LMS has gained far more popularity as it aids with employee training and cuts back on costs that companies may have otherwise faced due to the extensive training needed to meet the requirements of all the employees. How to Effectively Make use of an Enterprise LMS Training employees has changed its form over the years and now, employees are in need of more freedom to learn at their own pace and interact with other coworkers and managers to understand and undertake