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Effective Tips For Updating Your Online Training Material

With the advancement in technology, it is important that you keep updating your online training material so that your workforce can move with the changes in business operations and improve their productivity and performance. You must realize that irrelevant goals and retro-graphics have no value in the modernized online training course. Now, the question arises that how to give a superb makeover to your online training course by applying limited resources and within a short time interval. Following are a few tips that can help you tremendously in updating your outdated online training material:
1.    Conducting Analysis For  Training Needs
Firstly, you must analyze where your training material stands currently. You should study and find out how much effort is to be put on making improvements and which aspects of your course needs special considerations? This means that you need to make a thorough research for determining your weaknesses and strength so that an action plan can be developed to update your training material for online learners.
For instance, is your online training content for sales, is offering your workforce the skills required to accomplish the target? Or does your training course require highly interactive content and make the graphics relevant to achieve set goals? You can find the answer to these questions by conducting surveys e-learning assessments and observations to detect areas where improvement is needed.
2.    Creating a Small Online Training Warehouse
You can compile your online training content that is available on hand in a disciplined manner. These include videos, short presentations or modules that can be divided into small parts. Similarly, you also have the option of curating content online by creating a list that covers links that offer support whenever needed. Then, you must focus on training gaps that you discovered during the training requirement analysis and form categories to make the data easily accessible. Some e-learning training resources that you can consider to include in your library are info-graphics, serious mind games, videos, and other online training simulations
3.    Revamping Your Online Templates
When you refresh your e-learning templates, you end up transforming the feel and look at your whole online training course. Your e-learning templates act as frameworks that hold all the things together. When you replace them with modernized layouts, you give a new form to the outdated online training materials.

You can find numerous free e-learning template websites online. Apart from this, you can also find e-learning authoring tools for various layouts that go with the topics. Additionally, never forget to add your branding into your templates for making it more reliable.
4.    Incorporating Curated Images and Videos






Another useful tip to make your training content more effective and updated is curating your content for increasing interactivity to your training course designs. For instance background music, images, audios, and videos. Royalty-free websites are another option to get media for your training content. Likewise, you can also add supplemental resource links after all the training activities or modules. An example in this regard is the links that lead online learners to quality articles/blogs or online training videos that help then in understanding the topics.
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Fine-TuningThe Text
Another best and highly effective way of updating your outdated online training material is by evaluating the text elements. Try to eradicate heavy text blocks and make sure that real-world scenarios, case studies, and anecdotes are not irrelevant. For instance, any real-world example mentioned in the source design highlights the old scenario or technology, which seems useless for the current learners.

6.    Converting Traditional Assessments into Highly Interactive e-Learning Exams

Developing interactive e-learning exams that test practical expertise and knowledge of your workforce are extremely important. You should get away with traditional MCQs and true/false exams. For instance, an online training simulation, which demands particular skills to perform the job tasks by your employees.

In this regard, branching scenarios can be used to observe job-related pressures and challenges can be handled. Interactive e-learning exams enhance employee engagement, provided that they are powerful enough to examine their own performance while indicating areas for further improvement. The crucial element here is incorporating immediate feedback so that your workforce knowhow and where to work on.


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