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7 Tips to Implement an LMS for Training Companies with E-commerce Integration

Learning methods have drastically changed over the years because of e-learning. Traditional, face-to-face methods are becoming a thing of the past as we move towards better, more efficient ways, largely thanks to a learning management system (LMS)

A major drawback to your online training courses may be caused by not having a perfect e-commerce platform. You can have all the high-quality content bundles and amazing offers but visitors won’t be enticed to convert into paying customers. For this, you need to integrate your LMS with an e-commerce program.

Tips to Implement an LMS with E-commerce Integration
When dealing with an LMS and e-commerce, you should opt for a professional company to take care of it so that your data isn’t damaged or misplaced and they’ll be able to handle the technical aspects better. However, the following are the best tips to implement an LMS with e-commerce integration:

Deciding on the right platform

There are many options for an e-commerce option in the market, but you need to choose to right option so your company doesn’t face any problems.

The best methods to decide on the ideal e-commerce option is by looking at the cost of each and the customization and scalability they offer.

Choose an e-commerce option that has integrated before

While it may seem simple in words, but integrating an LMS with e-commerce isn’t an easy task. You need to have sound technical knowledge to understand the entire process if you wish to go for an option that has never been integrated before.

Most e-commerce platforms can be integrated with most LMS software but it’s better to choose an e-commerce option that has merged with your type of LMS or one similar to yours.

Shortlist the features you need

Each e-commerce platform comes with its own unique features. Most may appeal to you but you need to pick the ones that your company requires and will sit well with your LMS.

The best method to do this is by understanding how the e-commerce platform will help your company.

Data security

You do not want your clients’/learners’ data or private information being leaked or passed on. This is probably the most important requirement when deciding on an e-commerce platform. Make sure that the e-commerce seller has optimal security measures in place.

Outlining the ideal pricing models that work for your e-learning courses

LMS software differ from each other, so do e-commerce platforms. Each comes with different pricing plans, which may or may not work for you. Many are flexible in their features and allow you to make the pricing plans, memberships and subscriptions but there are others that do not, and customers will have signup or enrol instead.

Go for the best payment gateway option

There are many payment processing websites to choose from for your business, many that offer discounts and deals. The most popular options are Paypal, Stripe, and Choose the payment service that has the best fee structure and works well with your business.

Authenticate in-app features and SSO

An SSO (single sign-on) allows customers to register on the LMS and e-commerce platforms without having to be redirected to other websites or third-party hosts. This is also the sign of a successful company. This way customers will make any and all purchases on your website, which includes the online training content, content bundles or subscriptions and memberships.

Finding the perfect e-commerce platform for your LMS will make your work even easier and you won’t have to worry about maintaining multiple platforms and this will also boost your sales and help your company grow.


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