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Most important key terms for every e-Learning professional

There are some common key terms pertaining to every industry, like SEO or Google rankings for digital marketing. Similarly, there are phrases and words that are relevant to the e-learning industry or learning management system that every e-learning professional should become familiar with. It will help you immensely in the long-run as you’ll learn things faster and will become more comfortable in the world of digital learning.

Most Important e-learning key terms

E-learning is a very vast field, with many confusing terms and features. But, any experienced professional knows that the right way to become good at something is to familiarise yourself with common terms and have a basic understanding of your niche or industry. By learning these terms, businesses can also avail improved results from their e-learning courses. The below glossary features some of the most common and frequently used e-learning key terms.

1- LMS

LMS is the acronym for learning management system, which is a learning management software for e-learning. With this, you can create, deliver, and manage learning content as well as assess user engagement and receive thorough reports on the training courses. This is ideal for blended learning. It has the advantages of being available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere and on different devices i.e. mobiles, laptops, tablets, etc. You can also host virtual classes and meetings, upload multimedia content, and deliver content to however many users you want.

2- Blended Learning

Blended learning is one of the many perks of digital learning and an LMS. This is the combination of traditional methods of teaching as in face-to-face, in classrooms and modern, online learning. This way you get the best of both worlds and users can learn from either method.

3- Accessibility

Accessibility is an important aspect of e-learning as the whole point of having a learning management system is to provide users with the resources to pace their learning, access the courses from anywhere and on any device. Managers, trainers, and supervisors should see to making courses that are easy to understand, clear and thorough, and that can be completed in a reasonable duration. 

4- HTML5

HTML5 is an acronym for hypertext markup language version 5, which is a widely-used markup language that has replaced flash because of the many tools available and ease of use. With this, browsers can display, play, and render video and audio content. This language can also be used to create mobile-friendly e-learning content.

5- Synchronous e-Learning

Synchronous e-learning is when all of the LMS users are online and accessing the e-learning content at the same time. This involves maximum participation and is excellent for harmonious, simultaneous learning. 

6- Asynchronous e-Learning

This is completely different from synchronous e-learning as instead of simultaneous learning, users are provided course materials and learning tools to self-study and self-pace their learning. This is so no user would be left behind or have trouble grasping the content and everyone can comfortably learn without the worry of restrictions placed on time.


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