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How to Develop a Highly Interactive Online Training Program

Best LMS
The advancement in technologies has led every learner into a digital era where his/her expectations have changed completely. Today, text and videos are not enough to satisfy learners instead they prefer interactive training approach. For this reason, any giant  business is more inclined towards implementation of the learning management system so that training workforce becomes easy and effective. Creating a highly interactive training program is no more a problem with online tools.

Before moving further you must first understand what interactive training is and what its elements are.

What Do You Mean By Interactive Training?

Interactive training is learning technique where learners are not passive absorbers of the teachings but actively participate in the information gaining process. This means that in interactive training approach, you just do not sit back and watch presentations or videos as you do in a traditional learning management system. Instead, you analyze scenarios, apply problem-solving tactics and make real-life decisions. Hence, you gain new knowledge and polish your creative, analytical and critical skills simultaneously.

What Involves Interactive Training?

Online interactive training programs include varying interactive elements considering the course complexity. Drafting the best learning management system involves a training course that has text, audios, videos, and graphics. Here, learners are required to click, drag and drop or press hotspots. With increasing complexity, other features may include like gamification, animations, interactive live images, digital stories, customized audios and branching scenarios.  This interactive digital training is not possible with an interactive LMS.

How to Develop Interactive Training Modules?

Before designing your interactive training modules, you must first understand your audience and determine your goals. With these aspects, choose the interactive elements to be a part of your course. Following are few essential steps to follow when creating an interactive training program for your learners


1.      Incorporate Interactive Elements


Whether you are using pages or slides, incorporating interactive elements will help in boosting learner engagement. These can be in the form of button click, drag and drop or simply a pop-up, causing the learners to take action to progress further with the course. The basic trick is to create consistent interaction on every page or slide so that they do not lose interest and keep going.


2.      Adding Digital Storytelling


Digital storytelling is a technique that aid in evoking emotions of learners, promoting them to have full control on the course content, and make them keen to know the way story is going to unfold. An example in this regard is creating a story about an employee’s usual routine at work in your company and describing it with live characters through digital media. This interactive training process can be used in on-boarding new employees. Additionally, with an interactive online learning management system, learner's productivity increases further, since understanding and interpreting the content becomes simple and super easy.



3.      Including Videos


Videos are an effective tool to attract and hold learner attention, thus ensuring long-term retention. If you incorporate interactive 360° images and videos in your LMS, you can immerse your learners in the training content. For instance, you can offer your learners virtual tours of the locations where your learners or employees are going to work, so that they become familiar with the environment and how to work there.


Video inclusion on an interactive LMS should also be accompanied with the idea of mirolearning. This means that videos should be crisp and to the point. The video duration should not exceed more than five minutes so that learners can comprehend the content easily, anytime and anywhere. This avoids cognitive overload. Apart from these, video are perfect to support on the job performance, offering right information thorough the best learning management system.


4.      Developing Simulated Environments


You must also recognize that your learners need an environment that gives them freedom to practice what they have learnt without any fear of making blunders. An interactive online training program involves employing technologies like AR and VR to establish stimulated environments where learners further polish their skills. Such learning environment increases learners’ engagement and encourage exploration. Repeated visits to these environments allow them to become expert and they get ready to apply their skills in practical world.

5.      Devising Branching Scenarios


Another important tool that can make your Best learning management system and online training programs highly interactive is creating branching scenarios. It authorizes learners to form their narrative themselves, and allow personalized learning. You can add certain decision-points that enable learners to alter the narrative as per their preferences. With branching scenarios you tend to make learning challenging and adventurous. This motivates learners to discover their talents and make improvements in their critical thinking, analytical skills and decision-making capabilities.


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