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Performance Management Trends Why the Agile Approach is Emerging Victorious ?

Continuous performance management also known as agile per­for­mance man­age­ment is gaining immense popularity in the last few years. Today, high profile firms have taken this decision to convert their traditional performance management to agile performance management and start to rap its amazing advantages. Even though, there still a number of companies that are on their way to make this transition.s

So basically what is performance management software? It is a detail approach to manage performance of employees through­out the year and not just on bi-annually or annually basis. This process is col­lab­o­ra­tive, thus, there is involvement of con­tin­u­ous feed­back and reg­u­lar con­ver­sa­tions. It does not just focus on the result or outcome, but it is a continuous process.

Agile per­for­mance man­age­ment involves regular redirection of goals and dealing with barriers in order to achieve effec­tive per­for­mance. This type of per­for­mance appraisal has been made for a modern world that is more communicative, social and faster.

Why It Is Important To Implement Agile Performance Management ?

Today companies are implementing performance management system because the statistics of this software is quite impressive.

For example, as per the latest research, those firms that have a goal management system that provides results quarterly offers 30% higher returns when compared to firms having an annually based goal management system. Besides, research also shows that those companies that focus on collaboration have higher chances of growth.

Features Of Agile Performance Management

Here are some of the main features of an agile performance management system.

Regular feedback

The best thing about this type of system is that it noticeably reduces the feedback gap. When an organization is able to share feedback on an immediate basis, then the energy and enthusiasm also remain high amongst the employees.

This is because giving feedback at regular intervals allows the employees to act according to it. They are able to work on a negative feedback when it is delivered privately and on time. When there is absence of timely feedback, then this results in stress amongst the employees.

·         Feedback from your team members 

The significance of gathering combined intelligence and experience through the peers of the team cannot be denied. This tool is very helpful for those employers who are not in touch with all the members of the team on a daily basis.

For example, if a team member is working remotely or from a location where employer has no direct idea how to watch out for areas that require improvement. In such cases, feedback from peers proves to be of a great help.

·         Skill Development and Capability frameworks

Having skills is much more powerful than the hierarchical power. When you have team that possess niche skills and talented individuals, it is an advantage for your business. What agile performance management does that it focuses on the significance of new skills development. 

It is an advanced approach that stresses on building skills for its work force. Therefore, it aims of goals development as the play an imperative role in planning strategies.

·         Social Identification

Social identification plays a vital role in today’s work atmosphere due to its collaborative nature as it persuades employees to give their best.

Social identification helps in increasing visibility amongst the peer members. Thus, employees get recognition not only from their managers but also from sub-ordinates and customers. This eventually helps in inspiring and motivating employees to perform efficiently.

·         Learning (Just in Time)

Another imperative feature of agile Performance Management is that it promotes learning into action when an employee completes development of skill.

Due to new advancement in e-learning, such as coaching, mentoring and self-paced e-learning has become a more effective and less expensive approach. In fact, nowadays, coaching, has become a significant skill that all leaders need to have.

·         Stresses on Bothe Future and Present Projects

When a company has agile performancesoftware implemented, this leads to conversations on a daily basis. Thus, this helps in rehashing out past issues and old ideas and rather stresses on future or present activities.

This indirectly offers a myriad of advantages that is, setting of goals and its completion becomes priority of your employees, which aids them to become more productive and motivated, as well as in their own career development.

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