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All About Performance Review and Employee Self-Evaluation


If you are working as an employee in a large organization, you must understand the importance of annual performance review. Self-evaluation is surely an excellent opportunity that opens the doors of success for you. 

If you document your accomplishments and outline your weaknesses and strengths, you tend to identify those areas where you can grow professionally and gain insights via valuable feedback from your peers. Performance review and employee self-evaluation allow the authorities to recognize your input and value to the company. 

In this regard, a company should also implement employee performance management software to gain an insight of its employees’ progress. If you remain careless and do not take your self-evaluation seriously, it can have a negative impact on your image in the organization.

How Annual Performance Review and Self-Evaluation Benefits You As An Employee ?

·    It allows you to reflect on your mistakes and achievements made in the past. When you assess your failures and successes with an open heart, you gain a complete picture of your activities on the job. Though it is difficult to keep track of all the things you have done during whole year, you can out some time to remind yourself about what good and bad projects you have done. This evaluation can serve as a beginning point to make your future plans. In this way you get motivated and charged.

·     Employeeself-evaluation is encouraged as it promotes you to set goals and objectives for your future. When you get aware of your flaws, you discover ways to overcome them, like following tactics to make progress, acquiring new projects to lead them with new methodology and so on. As an employee, you have great difficulty in preparing your goals at the beginning of every year; however, an honest and to the point end-of- year performance review and self-evaluation make this task easier. You just need to go through it thoroughly and draw conclusions so that a proper road map can be designed to attain self-development.

·     Performance review acts as a driving force for your motivation. When you summarize your whole year’s activity, you get a chance to notice your accomplishments and get to realize that you are doing quite better at your job compared to previous performances. This boosts your morale. Alternatively, if you get to know that past year was no so great for you, that is you had many failed projects and few successes, you still get motivated to do better next year. 

·   It reminds the managers and executives of the challenges you faced and your accomplishments. Team leaders and managers find difficult in keeping track of all the employees’ progress.  There is a possibility that your successes and achievements and your overall performance have not been recognized or simply ignored. A self-review is great way to make your superiors realize that you are performing well in your job role. With the implementation of the employee performance management software, tracking employees’ progress becomes easy and efficient.

·    Employee self-evaluation is an excellent tactic to determine whether an individual deserves promotion, salary increment and other perks. Usually, most of the companies have the policy of conducting a process to give promotions or salary hikes. Such important decisions are made on the basis of an employee’s performance review, including self-appraisal. Additionally, if your term of contract is about to end, then whether it should be extended or not, depends on your performance and progress in the last year. This is analyzed by considering the evaluations provided by you, your colleagues and managers

·   It also helps in identifying major discrepancies between you and your supervisor’s perception of performance.  As an employee, you may consider yourself a valuable member of the team; however your manager may not think the same. You can never be sure if your perception of your own progress and performance is in line with your manager’s perception until both of you give reviews. When you compare self-appraisal with your manager’s review, you tend to identify some differences in the valuation of your job. In such case, you must find out why these discrepancies exist; whether your manager is underrating your work or you are valuing your work too highly, or if there is any communication issue. In this scenario, it is best for the company to choose the best employee management software so that employees’ performance evaluations can be made appropriately and effectively.

Tips To Write Performance Review and Employee Self-Evaluation

  1.      Using STAR Method: It is a simple method of constructing your self-evaluation through examples. You begin by describing a task or situation, and then you tell the action taken to achieve the goal. Thereafter, you describe the results accomplished. This method highlights clearly your contribution to the project.
  2.       Be Specific: You must give an example of some significant achievement you have made, or an area of improvement, or any of your action that demonstrates the organization’s core values. Try to focus on the ways you approached the problem and accomplished your goal.
   .   Give Evidence: Never forget to back up your examples with clear evidences. It is highly effective to provide concrete documentation. It is also wise to include feedback you have received from your clients, colleagues and peers.

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